Michael & Nell - Joe Hill Road Show 2020

Category: People & Blogs
Duration: 01:03:46
Duration: 01:03:46
Please make a PayPal donation to Roseheart Music to support this project. https://bit.ly/RoseheartMusic. Joe Hill Road Show uses oral history, live music and historical images to help us understand the past so that we can create a better tomorrow. Joe Hill was a songwriter/activist in the early 20th century who was executed by a firing squad in 1915 and thus became a labor icon. Michael & Nell have performed this Show 27 for community groups, unions and colleges.
To book Michael & Nell or to purchase their CDs, go to https://www.shelbysong.com/.
We want to thank videographer extraordinaire Allan McCall for all this help with this project. We also want to thank Dale Rogers ( http://dalerogers.me) for his online technical help.
Joe Hill Road Show's major sponsors are the Tennessee Arts Commission and the Metro Nashville Arts Commission. Other sponsors are Darkhorse Theater, TN AFL/CIO, Mayworks, Utility Workers of America Local 121, Eugene V Debs Foundation and IWW Hungarian Literature Fund.
Thanks to all! #JoeHillRoadShow #JoeHill #Darkhorse #NellLevin #MichaelAugust #ShelbyBottom #ShelbyBottomDuo #TNAFL/CIO #Mayworks #UtilityWorkersOfAmerica #TennesseeArtsCommission #MetroNashvilleArtsCommission #Michael&Nell #EugeneVDebsFoundation #IWWHungarianLiteratureFund
To book Michael & Nell or to purchase their CDs, go to https://www.shelbysong.com/.
We want to thank videographer extraordinaire Allan McCall for all this help with this project. We also want to thank Dale Rogers ( http://dalerogers.me) for his online technical help.
Joe Hill Road Show's major sponsors are the Tennessee Arts Commission and the Metro Nashville Arts Commission. Other sponsors are Darkhorse Theater, TN AFL/CIO, Mayworks, Utility Workers of America Local 121, Eugene V Debs Foundation and IWW Hungarian Literature Fund.
Thanks to all! #JoeHillRoadShow #JoeHill #Darkhorse #NellLevin #MichaelAugust #ShelbyBottom #ShelbyBottomDuo #TNAFL/CIO #Mayworks #UtilityWorkersOfAmerica #TennesseeArtsCommission #MetroNashvilleArtsCommission #Michael&Nell #EugeneVDebsFoundation #IWWHungarianLiteratureFund